Kirby Kangaroo Club

No time is better than now to get involved in the Kirby Kangaroo Club and start a lifetime of good saving habits. The Kirby Kangaroo Club is available to our young members’ age 12 and under and offers several fun events throughout the year such as our annual Kirby Week celebration in July and the annual Christmas stocking giveaway in December!

To open a Kirby Account, please contact an MSR via email or telephone 402-391-4040.


Summer 2019 – Kirby Newsletter

Spring 2019 – Kirby Newsletter

Winter 2018 – Kirby Newsletter

Spring 2018 – Kirby Newsletter

Summer 2018 – Kirby Newsletter

Fall 2018 – Kirby Newsletter

Fun and Educational Links

Kirby Kangaroo

Claim Your Youth Club

Our Claim Your Youth Club is for members 13 to 18 years of age.

We feel teaching teens financial literacy is as important as teaching them how to read or drive a car. The good news is we have many services to help you teach your teen about financial literacy.

The first thing you need to determine is which of the services we offer your teen is ready for.

  • Savings Account – A great starting point for any teen.
  • Prepaid Card – Great for teens not quite ready for a checking account.
  • Checking Account – We offer free checking accounts with free electronic & mobile services so you can keep an eye on the accounts.
  • Debit Card – We offer free debit cards with a checking account.  If your teen is not quite responsible enough to handle a credit card, a debit card could be the answer. A debit card works the same as a check or cash and deducts money from your share draft/checking account immediately.
  • First Car Loan – Consider a First Car Loan for the teen with you as a co-signer. We’ll give the teen the rate based on your credit score. However, the loan will work on building the teen’s credit score.
  • Credit-Builder Loan – A credit builder loan is perfect for anyone* looking to establish their credit. We offer a Credit Builder Share Secured Loan at 3.5% APR* above the market interest rate, using the current shares you have on deposit as collateral. Here’s how it works:
    • Set aside and pledge $1000 in your share account for the credit builder loan.
    • Make 12 on-time monthly payments.
    • CREDIT IS ESTABLISHED & you still have $1000 in your savings account!

    *Must be 18 years of age in Iowa and 19 years of age in Nebraska. Annual Percentage Rate. Visit with a loan officer to learn the current market and share secured loan rate.

For more information on an Auto or Credit Builder Loan, please speak with a Loan Officer by calling 402-391-4040, option 1.


Summer 2019 – Claim Your Youth Newsletter

Spring 2019 – Claim Your Youth Newsletter

Winter 2018 – Claim Your Youth Newsletter

Spring 2018 – Claim Your Youth Newsletter

Summer 2018 – Claim Your Youth Newsletter

Fall 2018 – Claim Your Youth Newsletter

Money Management 

Money management is a skill that’s never too early to learn. No matter how much money you earn, it’s important to save and spend it wisely. And remember, sacrificing some short-term wants now will help you save the money you need to buy bigger things later. Track your spending with this Budget Worksheet.

Finding a Summer Job

teens-3Before school is out for the summer, check with your high school Guidance Office and ask how they can assist with your job search. They may have postings for local businesses, for babysitting or for other part-time positions.

Next, tell everyone you know that you’re looking for work. Speak with teachers, family, coaches, friends, parents of friends – anyone and everyone you can think of – and ask for help. Most jobs are found through referrals and people you know are often happy to assist.

How about starting your own business? Consider your own skills and interests as well as the needs of the local economy where you will be spending your summer. Possible ventures include babysitting, lawn mowing, house painting, designing and marketing T-shirts, caring for pets while people are on vacation, car detailing, etc.

Here are some more teen job search tips that will help you find a job – fast!

Online Job Searching
Start your online job search by visiting the sites that focus on teen job opportunities. Searching for example, by type of position and location, will generate a list of openings. There’s also a list of national employers that hire part-time workers. Enter your zip code and how many miles you’re willing to travel into Unicru’s search engine and it will give you a list of jobs that meet your requirements. Check the part-time job sites as well. That way, you will review a broad spectrum of potential opportunities and you’ll be able to decide what sounds most interesting to you.

Employers in fields like retail and hospitality often are very interested in hiring teens and are willing to provide training. Search by the category of employment you’re interested in. This will generate some more leads. These types of employers often don’t advertise, so check with the stores or restaurants in your town to see if they have openings.

Don’t forget to check the local job sites for your city or state, as well as the Employment Services job listings and the Help Wanted ads in your newspaper. Small local papers usually have listings too.

Teen Job Interviews
Make sure you dress appropriately, are ready to complete an application, and are prepared for an on-the-spot interview. Good luck with your job search!

Links to some cool sites!